Dear Colleagues

As you will be aware an agreement was reached with the Department of Health by the INMO, PNA and SIPTU, last December, for the continuation of the Pandemic Placement Grant (PPG) for supernumerary students for the current academic year, with a review scheduled for early this year.

However, when the circular giving effect to this agreement emerged it included a cut-off date of 31st March which we steadfastly objected to.

We have pursued the Department of Health in relation to the review and following extensive submissions from our organisations I am happy to report that the attached circular has now been issued which confirms that the PPG will continue to be paid until the end of the academic year, whenever that is for your education programme.

There are still a number of outstanding matters from the McHugh Report which we are pursuing with the Department of Health, however, this is good news I hope for you all and you will see that further payments will be made on 8th July and 31st August 2022 in respect of the period of placements following 31st March 2022.

If anyone has any questions in relation to these topics, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your relevant union official.

Kind Regards

Peter Hughes

General Secretary


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