Cormarket PNA Member BenefitsAs the cost of private health insurance continues to spiral and now with even more plans on the market to choose from, it is becoming much more difficult to compare and get the best deal.

Cornmarket offers a FREE health insurance comparison service. They are the largest health insurance broker in Ireland and in one short phone call, their team of experts will alleviate the headache of trawling through hundreds of health insurance plans and will be able to do the following:

•  Complete a brief analysis of your requirements to establish exactly what type of cover you need for you/your family

•  Compare all 4 health insurers on the market based on your requirements (Aviva Health, Laya Healthcare, GloHealth and VHI Healthcare)

•  Offer free impartial advice including a full explanation of all product differentials

•  Find the best plan for you at the best possible price.

For more information on health insurance, click here or call (01) 408 6216

Cornmarket Group Financial Services Ltd. is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland . A member of the Irish Life Group Ltd. Telephone calls may be recorded for quality control and training purposes.

Upcoming events

RCSI 44th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference 2025

Discounts are available for Fellows and Members, Sigma members, student and retired colleagues. 

Event Date 26-02-2025 12:30 pm
Event End Date 27-02-2025 1:30 pm
Individual Price TBA
Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference THEconf2025
Event Date 04-03-2025 12:30 pm
Event End Date 06-03-2025 1:30 pm
Individual Price TBA

Dear Colleagues,

This year the PNA will continue its sponsorship of Members to attend the Horatio European Congress organised by Horatio and the German Psychiatric Nurses, having done so previously for events in Lisbon, Malta, Istanbul, Stockholm, Prague, Faroe Islands, Copenhagen and Malmo

The PNA in supporting this Congress are pleased to confirm a number of bursaries which will be offered by lottery to Presenters of Papers, Officer Board Members, Branch Officers and Members.

This year’s bursaries will be worth approximately €1000.This Bursary is based on the combined cost of the Congress Fees, Flights and Accommodation.

Event Date 15-05-2025 1:00 am
Event End Date 17-05-2025 11:30 pm
Cut off date 28-02-2025 11:00 pm
Individual Price Free
Attachment PNA Bursaries For Horatio Congress Berlin May wishing to attend .pdf