The PNA Office Team

Peter Hughes
General Secretary

Michael Hayes
Deputy General Secretary

Caroline Brilly
Industrial Relations Officer

Niall O Sullivan
Industrial Relations Officer

Aisling Culhane
Research & Development Advisor

Elayne Melia
Executive Secretary

Paula Gannon
The PNA Officer Board

Colette Walsh
National Chairperson

Sandra Forristal
National Secretary

Ollie Byrne
National Treasurer

Ger Davitt
Intellectual Disability Representative

Louise O Donohue

Donal Spillane

Robbie Redmond

Stephen Kent
HSE Mid West

Eoin Carthy
HSE Dublin North Rep

Sinead Brady
Private Voluntary Hospital

Damien Conlon
HSE Western Rep

Aishlinn Strahan
HSE Dublin East Regional Rep

Martin Slavin
HSE North East Rep

Lorraine Hogan
HSE North West

Catriona Madden
HSE Southern Rep

Brendan Sexton
HSE Dublin South