Structures of the PNA.

The Branch:

The PNA is based on a strong branch structure. Each branch is responsible for representing it’s members and has significant autonomy in that respect. Each branch has a Branch Secretary, Branch Chairman and Branch Treasurer responsible for the day to day running of each branch in conjunction with the Branch Committee. Branch officers and committee are elected by the branch members annually at the branch A.G.M. The Branch Chairman and Secretary represent the Branch at the National Executive.

Annual Delegate Conference:

The A.D.C. is held annually. Delegations from each branch are entitled to attend based on each branch having two votes regardless of size provided each branch consisting of fifty members shall be entitled to one extra vote in respect of each group of twenty five members in excess of fifty up to two hundred members and one additional vote in respect of each group of fifty members in excess of two hundred members.

All National Officers, Trustees and Representatives on the Officer Board are elected by the delegates at A.D.C.

Each Branch is invited to propose motions to conference for consideration. All amendments to rules resolutions motions and all nominations for National Officers, Trustees or membership of the Officer Board intended for consideration at the Annual Delegate Conference must be received by the General Secretary at the registered office of the association not later than a date appointed each year by the Officer Board.

National Executive Council:

The N.E.C. consists of the Officer Board and two representatives from each branch. It is the ultimate decision making body of the association and is responsible for enacting policy of the Association as determined by A.D.C.

The Officer Board:

The Honorary Officers, National Chair, Secretary and Treasurer along with the Regional and Sections Reps comprise the Officer Board which is vested with the management of the Association between Annual Conferences. It is responsible for the enforcement and observation of rules, organisation of A.D.C.

Upcoming events

Eating Disorders Conference 20th February 2025

This is a free event with CPD points. Booking is via the QR code on the Poster.

Event Date 20-02-2025 9:00 am
Event End Date 20-02-2025 5:00 pm
Individual Price Free
Attachment Eating Disorders Conference 2.pdf
RCSI 44th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference 2025

Discounts are available for Fellows and Members, Sigma members, student and retired colleagues. 

Event Date 26-02-2025 12:30 pm
Event End Date 27-02-2025 1:30 pm
Individual Price TBA
Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference THEconf2025
Event Date 04-03-2025 12:30 pm
Event End Date 06-03-2025 1:30 pm
Individual Price TBA