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19/02/09 A HSE Policy document has issued to replace the guidelines that were in existence for some time issued by the HSEA.
The Unions were consulted on this document but did not have a right of veto.
The Emphasis in this policy document is on a more humane supportive and compassionate approachrather than a disciplinary approach, that is not to say that abuse of sick leave will not be dealt with, but rather it will be dealt with under the Disciplinary Procedure for Employees of the H.S.E.
Please find below for your attention/information, cover letter from Mr Sean Mc Grath, National Director of H.R. and for full text of Managing Attendance Policy please click on the following link.
Office of the National Director of Human Resources
Health Service Executive
Dr. Steevens’ Hospital
Dublin 8
Tel: (01) 635 2319
Fax: (01) 635 2486
HSE HR Circular 002/2009
19th January 2009
To: Each Member of the Management Team;
Each Member of the National HR Team;
Each Assistant National Director, NHO;
Each Assistant National Director, PCCC;
Each Network Hospital Manager, NHO;
Each Local Health Office Manager, PCCC.
Re: Managing Attendance Policy
I am pleased to attach the HSE Managing Attendance Policy. This builds on the suite of HR tools available to assist in managers in the Employee Management aspect of their roles.
This policy was developed working closely with our colleagues in the business (NHO, PCCC, Population Health etc) and with the Trade Unions and forum.
The policy is designed to identify scope for improvement in attendance levels and to find workable solutions to illness absence issues where they exist.
Performance & Development teams have worked to develop training materials to support the policy and a schedule of training has been put together commencing in January 2009.
The policy will be available on the HSE Intranet – link. It will not be available in hard copy but can be downloaded directly from the intranet.
Please note that this Policy supersedes all local policies and the management of attendance should be based on this policy document.
Further information on this policy is available from Ms Norah Mason, Assistant National Director for Employee Relations, through her office in Oak House, Millennium Park, Naas Co Kildare (Tel: 045 880410).
Yours sincerely,
Sean McGrath
National Director of Human Resources