The Commission carried out a review of the operation of Part 2 of the Mental Health Act 2001 in 2008 and one of the recommendations from this review was to develop a code of practice on the 2001 Act to guide people working in mental health services. A code of practice on the Act would give guidance on the exercise of functions under the 2001 Act. In other words, it would explain how certain parts of the legislation are best put into practice.

The Mental Health Commission has written to the PNA looking for our views. Please find attached the Consultation Questions .We will require all branches to respond within the next 10 days to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Friday March 26th.

Please click the following documents:

Please note a subcommittee will then be formed to draw together the various elements of the submission at which point we will be reverting back to branches.This info will also be available on

To view the questionaire click on this link

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