Before Christmas 2010 the Dept of Health and Children announced it was cutting student nurse 4th year pay as follows:

2010 Students paid 80% of Staff Nurse Rate

2011 Students to be paid 76% of Staff Nurse Rate

2012 Students to be paid 60% of Staff Nurse Rate

2013 Students to be paid 50% of Staff Nurse Rate

2014 Students to be paid 40% of Staff Nurse Rate

2015 Students to be paid NIL


This announcement represents an appalling attack on our students, an affront to our profession and is also in breach of the Employers commitment under the Croke Park deal. It is also in breach of the specific agreements reached with the Unions providing for the employment of the students in replacement for Staff Nurse posts.

Some ill-informed commentators have suggested this new arrangement would bring Ireland into line with other countries in Europe. This of course is nonsense as the students in those other countries are supernumary, and not in replacement for staff nurses.

Many students only survive the 4 year honours degree course by working part time up to 4th year when they are paid 80% of the first point of the scale for their 8 months placement. If this new arrangement becomes a reality it will deter many, particularly mature students, from entering nurse training.

The PNA will fight this policy in every way and we can and will mobilise our students in a campaign against it. We will raise it at the LRC as part of the Croke Park clarification process on 19-01-11

In the meantime we have sought urgent discussions with the Dept. of Health and Children.

Members will be kept informed

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