The PNA and INMO today held an intensive round of information/ briefing meetings to Dáil Eireann. We continued our political campaign of engaging with political parties, meeting with Labour TD's and Senators this morning.

Last week we met with Sinn Fein. Following the meeting with the Labour Party, Deputy Patrick Nulty chaired an open  briefing session for all TD's and Senators which was attended by about 60 TD's and Senators from across all parties and independents. We were overwhelmed with this show of support and solidarity with our campaign.

The Briefing Session offered our articulate, eloquently newly qualified nurses to set out their personal accounts of the struggles, sacrifices and achievements they encountered in the course of their training , having qualified as nurses to be met with this latest attack by Government which in essence targets the nursing profession in this most unfair, unjust offensive way.

The consistent message remains from PNA/INMO

  • The boycott remains in place and will continue until this programme is withdrawn
  • Both unions INMO/ PNA will provide the detail of cost savings achievable, by minimising agency costs with initiatives which could save the health services millions.
  • Ireland’s health services will now suffer a further skills drain in the nursing profession as a result of Government & HSE’s position  which will be irreparable for delivering a modern health service.

The campaign to contact public representatives with the essential facts will now intensify further .

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