The Psychiatric Nurses Association (PNA) today (Thursday) welcomed the publication of Guidelines on promoting positive mental health and suicide prevention in post-primary schools and views them as a critical tool in broadening the dialogue around mental health issues and the promotion of well-being and the prevention of suicidal behavior among young people in Ireland


PNA Deputy General Secretary, Seamus Murphy said psychiatric nurses work across a spectrum of areas as frontline service providers. They are uniquely poised to provide the type of collaborative, integrative and multi - level clinical care service Click image to view Guidelines on promoting positive mental health and suicide prevention in post-primary schools delivery that is critical to supporting the community, schools, and shared learning between professions.

‘PNA sees these new Guidelines on promoting positive mental health and suicide prevention in post-primary schools as another avenue to promote a community effort response to the difficulties surrounding mental illness and distress.'

‘By bringing together teachers, mental health professionals, Gardaí, parents and the wider community to focus on common goals of safety, understanding, and service to young people and their families, we can develop a more intelligent, understandable, and safe approach to mental crisis events for our young people,' he concluded.

Media Contacts ; PNA Dep. Gen. Sec. Seamus Murphy 087-2646966/ Derek Cunningham 086-2430535

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