Labour Relations Commission (LRC) chaired talks involving the Psychiatric Nurses Association (PNA) and the HSE to address staffing and health and safety issues at the Acute Psychiatric Unit at University College Hospital Galway have collapsed this evening (Tues. 28 th April) following a warning by HSE management of sanctions against ten nurses who did not take up duty in the Unit last Wednesday (22 nd April) on health and safety grounds.
PNA Industrial Relations Officer, Peter Hughes said that while the PNA had entered the talks in good faith and had put forward a set of proposals to resolve the issues in the Unit, HSE management had brought forward the threat of sanctions against staff at the eleventh hour.
‘This warning of sanctions again staff who acted in the interested of the health and safety of themselves and patients in the UCHG Unit came at the end of over three hours of intense negotiations where it had been accepted that PNA proposals would be considered and HSE would respond through the LRC by Friday week. Any threat of sanctions again these nurses is totally unacceptable and PNA will now hold a General Meeting in Galway tomorrow night (Wednesday) with a view to balloting on industrial action.'
Media Contacts: Derek Cunningham 086-2430535/Peter Hughes 087- 2103514