16 th August 2016 - For the Attention of All Members

The Dispute on Recruitment and Retention is Concluded

•  Agreement has been reached on the Payment of a Community Allowance of 5449 Euro as follows:

•  From September 1 st 2016 50% of the value of the allowance will be paid as per pay cycle (2 weekly / monthly)

•  From January 1 st the arrears will be paid while the full 100% payment will be paid as per the pay cycle going forward.

•  A Verification Process on the Productivity Agenda as agreed will report before the end of the year.

•  A Document with further details will issue shortly.

•  The PNA has heretofore refused to engage in CHO Restructuring Discussions unless there is a separate process for Mental Health. A Mental Health CHO Forum will now commence.

All Phases of the Industrial Action are now lifted. I am to thank and congratulate you, our members, on your success.

Please note the Graduate (2011-'15) Campaign will now commence.

Yours Sincerely


Des Kavanagh

General Secretary


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