
Wednesday, June 17th: The Psychiatric Nurses Association (PNA) said today that the full implementation of ‘Sharing the Vision – a Mental Health Policy for Everyone’ published today (Wednesday ) will be a key test for the incoming government and engagement with stakeholders, including PNA, will determine the successful delivery of the strategy.

PNA General Secretary, Peter Hughes said:

“We look forward to engagement on all elements of the implementation of the ‘Sharing the Vision’ policy published today. Despite the detailed and expert submissions PNA made to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Future of Mental Health Care we were never consulted by the Vision for Change Review group that has now brought forward the new strategy. However, it is clear that frontline psychiatric nurses will again be key in the delivery of crucial elements of this new ‘Sharing the Vision’ policy and it will be absolutely essential that their views are heard in the implementation process  if it is to succeed.”

“We cannot see a repeat of the experience following publication of the ‘Vision for Change’ strategy 14 years ago which despite being ambitious and  comprehensive has never been realised because of haphazard implementation of many of its key recommendations and lack of political will, and ownership at HSE level, to achieve its goals.”

“PNA will have a detailed, comprehensive appraisal of ‘Sharing the Vision’ for the new incoming Minister as part of the next government. We look forward to a full engagement on the implementation of ‘Sharing the Vision’ to deliver on the promises of reform of our mental health services.”

Media Contact : Derek Cunningham 086-2430535

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