Please find below correspondence from HSE CERS regarding timelines for Building Momentum pay increases.


Dear all

I refer to ongoing engagements regarding the application of pay adjustments to HSE staff, in respect of Building Momentum increases due.

Accordingly, I can confirm the following;

  1. Feb 1st 2022 – sectoral bargaining

This pay increase has been implemented across all HSE areas for those included in sectoral bargaining outcomes. Staff will see changes to pay rates and receive arrears in Nov and Dec pay dates.

  1. 3% Building Momentum Increase – 2nd Feb 2022.

This pay adjustment is currently being implemented for staff incorporated by this pay increase.  This adjustment is more challenging and every effort is being made to implement the basic pay increase for all pay groups across December pay dates (up to December 22nd)

  1. Pay increases due under  (1) FEMPI restoration from July 1st 2022 and the 1% Building Momentum increase due from 1 October, will be applied in Q1, 2023.

Yours sincerely


Susan Keegan on behalf of

John Delamere

Assistant National Director HR

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